Why freelance (through addon)?
Starting to freelance can seem daunting. However, the war for talent is still raging in the IT–sector – which means jobs are almost there for the taking – and financially, you’re not worse off freelancing than payrolling nowadays. Want more info on the why and how you could start to freelance (through addon)? Say no more and read along with us!
Did you know…
…that there is such a high demand for IT-profiles that you’ll never be in dire need of a job as a freelancer? Furthermore, there isn’t a big difference between payrollers and freelancers anymore when it comes to pension savings. That is a big misconception we really want to clear up.
If there’s anything we want you to remember from this article, it’s this:
- The risk of being unemployed is virtually nil;
- By freelancing through addon you’re certain you’ll always get paid on time;
- You’re supported through and through by our recruiters;
- You can be more selective when it comes to picking a project;
- You don’t miss out on big financial compensation and you’re not messing with your pension savings.
Let’s delve into the subject some more!

How does addon make a difference?
We generally work in three steps: first, we get to know you. It’s only when we’re sure we know what you do and don’t like, what kind of person you are and so forth that we can assure you that we’ll find projects tailored to your wishes and needs. You get to choose from our list of proposals, and we’ll only introduce you where you want to be introduced. Not unimportant: we always make sure that you get a confirmation mail, so you know that you have in fact been introduced, at what rate, and so on. Once a client wants to meet you, we set up the interview and prep you for it as you could maybe use some of our tips and tricks. Did the meeting go well for both parties? Great, we’ll negotiate contracts and organise the rest. Didn’t it go as well as you’d have hoped? No worries, we’ll go through it together, provide you with extensive feedback and prepare you for a next interview at a company that suits you better.
Even after you’ve started somewhere, we frequently keep in touch. Why? Because that’s how we keep it personal. We truly want you to be happy where you are, so we check in regularly by calling you and by going out to lunch with you. Is your current challenge almost coming to an end? We’ve already noticed and sent you a few new proposals. Let’s keep this dice rolling! Scared that you’ll be tied to us forever? Don’t sweat it: you’re not at all obligated to do so. We have a one–month notice period after which you’re free to go wherever you please. Obviously though, we hope you’ll stay with us.
Part of The Cronos Group
Not only does being part of such a large ecosystem mean that we won’t be going belly–up anytime soon, but it also means that you can count on more than just our own portfolio. There are many companies within the group that often need freelancers and the system also provides us with a huge network of outside organisations that could use a consultant. In other words: there are way more projects to choose from if you go through us than when you try and find them alone. Furthermore, those clients can count on our – and Cronos’ reputation – and trust us. This gives you a leg up when it comes to competitors.
Still in doubt?
As we said before, Belgian company legislation has gotten a facelift since 2019. It makes it easier for you as a potential IT entrepreneur to grow into self-employment. If you start a one-man business, you’ll find few alterations in the law. If you’re considering starting an NV, however, much has changed to make things easier for you. Keen to know more about it all? Be sure to read our next blog!
Don’t be. There are more advantages to freelancing than we can count. Many of which, you probably didn’t even think about. Had you considered, for example, that maybe you’d like to attend trainings or courses at some point? When you’re freelancing on your own, that’s not easy because you have to make sure you’ve got a next job lined up while you’re in the middle of your education. At addon, we can take over and make sure everything is in order, so you don’t have to worry about it. By the way, we’re part of The Cronos Group, remember? That also means that we can put you in contact with several companies that offer trainings that might be exactly what you were looking for.
Our main concern at addon is that you can be a worry–free freelancer. We understand that there are a lot of things to consider so we guide you every step of the way. Don’t know anything about where to register, how to find projects, social security contributions and so on? That’s why we’re here; you can count on us.
Keen to talk it over with us? You’re very welcome to get in touch. Coffee?