The addon way
Our approach at addon, as you can read here, is to guarantee authenticity, added value and administrative support in everything we do. All well and good but what can you expect in concrete terms? We try and explain more about the why and how in this article. Read along and be sure to tell us what you think!
No, to impersonal contact
Dear freelancer, have you ever gotten those dime a dozen mails with irrelevant vacancies for you? Dear company, have you ever received impersonal and pushy mails filled with resumes that don’t fit your firm? We feel you. These are trying times; the war for talent is raging more than ever and the search for the right people is hard. That’s why we, at addon, want to make a difference. How? By focusing on a true, long-term relationship with both our consultants and our clients. Everyone needs to feel like they matter, and that we know them through and through. To us, that’s the only yet obvious way that we can ensure the perfect fit and avoid a mismatch.

No, to administrative issues
Another huge nightmare for freelancers: not being paid on time. Companies on the other hand are sometimes drowning in all the administrative hassle that comes with hiring a freelancer. Let’s archive those medieval times. At addon, we’re here to support each party with all their administrative needs. We negotiate contracts, we follow up on timesheets and make sure payments are always made in time.
You don’t have to worry that we’ll disappear once a match turns out to be made in heaven. We keep in touch with everybody and keep track of the trajectory. That way, companies don’t need to lay awake over things like timesheets or a consultant’s sudden sick leave while a freelancer is sure we’re checking in to see if they’re still happy. We’re a dynamic business, keen to listen to you and flexible to make changes where necessary.
Yes, to guidance
We’ve explained what we don’t do and what we don’t stand for; let’s explain a bit more about the way we do business.
Whether you’re a freelancer looking for a project, or a company in need of a consultant; we got you. We select a few projects and people that could fit you and let you choose from the list. It’s not a long one but it’s a pertinent one; quality over quantity, right? When a new project or person caught our eye and if we think they’re just what you’re looking for, we call you. Once both a candidate and an organisation have shown interest in one another, we set up introductions and prep the freelancer. Did it go well? Great, we’ll handle everything to get the consultant started at the firm in question. Didn’t it go as well as you’d have both hoped? Don’t fret; we’ll provide you with extensive feedback and set up the next promising interview.
Not every freelancer has as much experience. That’s why we make sure everyone who asks for it, receives training from us when it comes to their way of communicating. A win for them, naturally, but also a win for the companies who don’t have to invest in those soft skills themselves. Don’t have any experience at all as a freelancer and just starting out? We’ll talk you through everything that you need to put in order so you can focus on your project. It’ll be easier than you think, you’ll see.
Hey! We are addon. As we want to keep our personal and human values high, we welcome anyone who wants to contribute to our story and mission. Don’t be shy to contact us: we’re approachable, available and we can’t wait to meet you!